1What is plastic eye surgery?
It is a specialty of ophthalmology based on the treatment of pathologies that appear in the conjunctiva area, the ocular annexes and the tear ducts. Many of these pathologies are visible. These surgical techniques are applied to structures that surround and compromise the anatomical function of our eyes, eyelids and eyebrows, repairing them when they have been damaged and rejuvenating them when time has affected them.
2What motivates the patient in order to be treated?
Mainly, the desire to eliminate the changes produced by aging. Also, it is common to apply treatments against congenital and acquired pathologies (by disease or accident).
3What are the most common treatments?
The upper eyelid flaccidity, the lower lid “bags”, wrinkles and ptosis or eyelid drooping are the main problems treated related to deterioration due to passage of time. Another type of oculo-plastic alteration caused by congenital pathologies require treatments to correct eyelid asymmetries and/or abnormal eyelid drooping. Regarding acquired pathologies or tumors, various reconstructive surgeries are performed in the peri-ocular area, depending on the affected zone.
4What is the treatment of eyelid?
The blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids is the surgical treatment by which excess skin due to lost elasticity is removed. It is performed under local anesthesia, without admission to the clinic and quick recovery; giving the patient a live, radiant and more youthful vision. Surgical treatment of lower eyelids is intended to remove bags, reduce wrinkles and treat flaccidity.


We treat wrinkles in the upper third of the face: The “Crow’s feet”, frown and forehead wrinkles. We apply the Botulinum toxin, which paralyzes the muscle that accentuates the wrinkle; and afterwards we apply the hyaluronic acid injection, which reduces the skin crease with a filling effect.

In both cases, the treatment is done in consultation, in a quick, simple and painless way. The effect of Botulinum toxin is perceived in three (3) or (4) days and it has a validity of six (6) months and the hyaluronic acid has a duration of 12 months. Once these periods have elapsed, we can repeat the corresponding treatment. Patients under 18 year old, pregnant and lactating women, or patients taking certain medications and those who have some muscle or autoimmune diseases are excluded from undergoing these treatments. In any case, it is always necessary to schedule an appointment with the specialist prior to undergoing such treatments.

Thing to consider:

  • Treatment with Botox is not able to increase volume in the treated regions; the facial filler is what is capable of this..
  • There are no creams that have Type A of the Botulinum toxin in their formulation.
  • Topical creams act on the skin surface while Type A of the Botulinum toxin acts directly on the muscle where it is injected.
  • No cream is capable of providing an effect comparable to treatment with Botox.

Care after application

  • After application, it is recommended not to massage the treated region.
  • Avoid exercising during the first 4 hours after application.
  • It is recommended to stay upright and not lie down during the first 4 hours after the treatment.