This is a specialized field of medicine that covers ears, nose and throat. In regards to the ear, it treats pathologies that affect the skull base such as a Cholesteatoma- which is a benign tumor that grows in the middle ear behind the eardrum-, eardrum reconstructions and even carries outs otoplasties, the surgical procedure that improves the outer appearance of the ear. In regards to the nose, several functional and aesthetic procedures are done such as ENDOSCOPIC RESECTIONS of tumors at the skull base, as well as non-evasive procedures for sinusitis. In regards to the throat, we treat all kinds of tumors related to the neck and head region, and we also do aesthetic procedures such as rhinoplasty.
Once a diagnosis has been established, the specialist can recommend a treatment or procedure that corresponds to the pathology being addressed. The most common diseases that concern this field of medicine are (based on the organ they affect):
Enfermedades más frecuentes
- Pérdidas de audición
- Otitis
- Acúfenos
- Vértigos
- Parálisis faciales
- Rinitis
- Sinusitis
- Pólipos nasales
- Deformidad nasals
- Sangrado nasal
- Ronquido
- disfonías
- Pólipos y nódulos de cuerdas vocales
- Tumores de garganta
- Masas y ganglios cervicales
- Enfermedades de las glándulas salivares y de la glándula tiroides.